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MCAC Premier Award​


Flight, Daniel Summers

Friends of MCAC Award


What is it?, Jo Loughnan

Survus Award​


Looking West, Vicki Knudsen

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Malvern Business Award


Affordable Homes, Brenda Visser


Malvern Business Award


Snowflake, Claire Langlands


Malvern Business Merit Award​


Lyttelton 1860s, Gus Milne

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Malvern Business Merit Award​


Upper Waimakariri, Sean Fietje

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the drawing room Merit Award​


Renaissance Man, Luca McDonnell

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the drawing room Merit Award​


Jazz Man, John Shaw

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the drawing room Merit Award​


Whispering Sky, Christine Maynard


Malvern Business Youth Award: 10 - 14 years​


Shadows, Libby Henderson


the drawing room Youth Merit Award: 10 - 14 years​


Colourblind, Taylor Wyatt

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The Artist's In Merit Award


Unknown Sire, Ben Groters



Malvern Business Youth Award: 15 - 18 years​


Reflections, Nami Kelly


the drawing room Youth Merit Award: 15 - 18 years​


Thoughts, Maiah Henderson

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